Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Netroots Radio Kicking Ass September 24, 2013

Fripp (not that one) and Steve leap feetfirst into the arrogant maw that is Canadian Senator from Texas, Ted Cruz. That and starve teh children and take lots of farm subsidies if you are a Republican. #KickingAss

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Netroots Radio Kicking Ass September 17, 2013

Fripp (not that one) and Steve pry open the stratospheric aerie of Ivory Tower pundit David Brooks, Top 5 Letters to the FCC and general asskickery aplenty.

Check out this episode!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Netroots Radio Kicking Ass September 10, 2013

Fripp (not that one) and Steve round up the usual Bachmanns, Gohmerts and Kings and presents their GOP dumbassey in all their glory. Enjoy!

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Kicking Ass September 3, 2013

"HEY! YOU KIDS! With your...Family Guy and your...Miley Cyrus and your...YOLO and your...backward baseball caps GET OFF MY LAWN!", screameth the GOP, who can't win a national election and act like the party of destructive nihilists they are. Steve and Fripp (not that one) watch from across the street and provide the appropriate laugh track.

Check out this episode!