Chris Reeves aka @tmservo433 joined us on the Last Half of the Show to talk Kansas politics and KS Sec'y of State Kris Kobach, more. Good stuff! – Wink
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Monday, June 29, 2015
The After Show 06.29.2015
Arliss Bunny aka @ArlissBunny joined Will McLeod aka @WillMcLeod99 on the Last Half of the Show to talk about Greece v. the EU, potential collapse of the Euro and the players involved. Great stuff! Must hear! – Wink
Saturday, June 27, 2015
The After Show 06.22.2015
Will McLeod aka @WillMcLeod99 joined us on the Last Half of the Show to talk about race and racism from the Mayflower to Charleston. Some Skype technical glitches shortened our top news half. [sigh] Good stuff! – Wink
The After Show 06.23.2015
Chriss Reeves aka tmservo433 joined us on the Last Half talking Kansas politics, KS state college admissions and the politics surrounding that, Brownback, more! Good stuff! – Wink
Friday, June 26, 2015
The After Show 06.25.2015
Arliss Bunny aka @ArlissBunny joined us on the Last Half of the Show talking the SCOTUS decisions on the FHA Housing Discrimination case and, of course, the decision on SCOTUSCare ~er Obamacare - both decisions favoring The Left! And, she offers another lesson in #MMT we call Bunnynomics, albeit a short lesson this day. Good stuff! – Wink
The After Show 06.26.2015
Arliss Bunny and Will McLeod - aka @ArlissBunny and @WillMcLeod99 - joined us on the Last Half for our Fri. News Dump and Recycling Center talking today's SCOTUS' 5-4 decision upholding Marriage Equality in 37 states - and extending marriage equality to all 50 - and Kennedy's brilliant majority opinion including, "and their immutable nature dictates that same-sex marriage is their (couples) only real path to this profound commitment" (as noted by Arliss). Great stuff! A must hear! Please share! – Wink
Thursday, June 25, 2015
The After Show 06.24.2015
Vyan aka @Vyan1 and Albert Johnson aka @adept2u joined us on the News Read half and Last Half of the Show. Vyan joined us at the top of the hour - after some tech issues - talking ObamaCare and the racial component; the arrest of Dylann Roof and the deference coppers showed the white kid as opposed to, say, how they handle the arrest of black kids. Albert talked about his family tree and the many accomplishments there, and the mission of, more! Good stuff! Looking forward to having them back! – Wink
Saturday, June 20, 2015
The After Show 06.19.2015
Arliss Bunny aka @ArlissBunny and Will McLeod aka @WillMcLeod99 joined us on the Last Half for our Fri. News Dump and Recycle Center where Will talked about the recent disclosure of shenanigans and colusion between Britain and Ireland during "the troubles" for the purpose of extending those "troubles" by police agencies on both sides performing terrorist acts; while Arliss reported on the game of chicken showdown between Greece and the E.U. (Germany) re. the economic troubles in Greece and the opportunities to address (or not) those opportunities. Great stuff! – Wink
Thursday, June 18, 2015
The After Show 06.18.2015
Arliss Bunny aka @ArlissBunny joined us on the Last Half of the Show talking Texas, the Tumbleweed Dollar, the desire of Texas to secede, and how, economically speaking, that's not going to happen [sigh] and more on Modern Monetary Theory that drives the wingers and preppers bat$h!t insane. Good stuff! – Wink
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
The After Show 06.17.2015
Katie Klabusich aka @Katie_Speak joined us on the Last Half of the Show to talk about new TX legislation making it ever more impossible in that state to obtain constitutionally guaranteed access to abortion services, and how the phrase, "undue burden," is going to be the magic words that could end abortion in all 50 states. Great stuff! A must hear pod. – Wink
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
The After Show 06.16.2015
Chris Reeves aka @tmservo433 joined us on the Last Half of the Show talking KS politics, more! Good stuff! – Wink
Monday, June 15, 2015
The After Show 06.15.2015
Will McLeod aka @WillMcLeod99 joined us on the Last Half of the Show talking Euro politics, Greece, the Euro Zone, more. Good stuff! – Wink
Friday, June 12, 2015
The After Show 06.12.2015
Arliss Bunny aka @ArlissBunny and Will McLeod aka @WillMcLeod99 joined us on the Last Half of the Show for our Fri. News Dump talking about public nudity, "what if Homer were more like Jerry Falwell than Thomas Jefferson?" Greece and their monetary crisis, the IMF, more! Good stuff! – Wink
The After Show 06.11.2015
Arliss Bunny aka @ArlissBunny joined us on the Last Half of the Show talking women and girls in science and, how even today, girls struggle in grades K-12 to get a place at the table; the history of Economics going back to the Islam tradition and how economics is one of the four pillars of that religion, more! Good stuff! Get a pen! – Wink
Thursday, June 11, 2015
The After Show 06.10.2015
Gaius Publius aka @Gaius_Publius joined us on the Last Half of the Show talking TPP "trade agreement"and the spinoff treaties. Oh, you didn't know about the spinoffs? Me neither. Let's just say the hits just keep on coming! Gaius fuckspalins why we're all so hosed. Great stuff! Please share! – Wink
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
The After Show 05.29.2015
Arliss Bunny aka @ArlissBunny and Will McLeod aka @WillMcLeod99 joined us on the Last Half of the Show talking about Bernie's run for prez, #MMT economics and more. Good stuff! – Wink
The After Show 06.01.2015
Monday regular Will McLeod aka @WillMcLeod99 joined us on the Last Half of the Show talking about the FIFA scandal, more. Good stuff! – Wink
The After Show 06.09.2015
Chris Reeves aka @tmservo433 joined us on the Last Half of the Show talking Kansas politics and how we activists all should be covering the State Houses on a regular basis as those briefings can lead to bringing more rank and file Dems into the fold. Good stuff! – Wink
Sunday, June 7, 2015
The After Show 05.28.2015
Arliss Bunny aka @ArlissBunny joined us on the Last Half of the Show, as she does every Thursday, where today she talked about how Arliss Bunny became Arliss Bunny (no, it wasn't that easy), more MMT educating, and more! Good stuff! – Wink
Saturday, June 6, 2015
The After Show 05.27.2015
Linda Tirado aka @KillerMartinis joined us on the Last Half of the Show to talk about the mileage her book, Hand to Mouth: living in bootstrap America, has deservedly gotten, and how that mileage has inspired a new project, Bootstrap Industries, a multimedia platform that will launch in October, open to all of us! Killer stuff from Killer Martinis! – Wink
The After Show 06.03.2015
Katie Klabusich aka @Katie_Speak joined us on the Last Half of the Show with better news re. reproductive rights and feminism as CA Ass'y passes legislation to ban lying by anti-Choice asshats as doctors push back against this nonsense; much more! Great stuff! – Wink
Friday, June 5, 2015
The After Show 06.05.2015
Arliss Bunny aka @ArlissBunny and Will McLeod aka @WillMcLeod99 joined us on the Last Half of the Show talking TPP and the secrecy surrounding that monstrocity, Mary Jo White and her puzzling actions at the S.E.C., more. Good stuff! – Wink
Thursday, June 4, 2015
The After Show 05.26.2015
Chris Reeves aka @tmservo433 joined us on the Last Half of the Show talking KS politics, more! Good stuff! – Wink
The After Show 06.04.2015
Arliss Bunny aka @ArlissBunny joined us on the Last Half of the Show to talk about Wall Street culture, those that dwell there, and how it kills; and more Modern Monetary Theory we call Bunnynomics! Great stuff! Stuff you need to know. (it will be on the test). – Wink