Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The After Show 03.31.2015

tmservo433 aka @tmservo433 and Karoli aka @Karoli joined us on the First and Last Halves today.  I know!  A Twofer!  tmservo433 talked about the upcoming (4/25) Connect! Unite! Act! Event in Kansas City, MO, and the suicide, Sunday, of MO auditor /spokesman Spence Jackson.  Karoli talked about the news du jour and the blowback aimed at Gov. Pence for his as$hattery and dip$h!ttery re. his "Religious Freedom" law.  Good stuff!  – Wink

Check out this episode!

Monday, March 30, 2015

The After Show 03.30.2015

Will McLeod aka @WillMcLeod99 joined us on the Last Half to talk about Miami and Florida - 20,000 Leagues under the Sea. Miami no longer a Vacation Destination, more a Solar Farm.  We don't have to tell Miami dweelers Climate Change is real - they see the sea marching in every day.  Good stuff!  – Wink

Check out this episode!

Sunday, March 29, 2015

The After show 03.27.2015

Arliss Bunny aka @ArlissBunny and Will McLeod aka @WillMcLeod99 joined us on the Last Half for our Friday News Dump and Recycle Center.  Arliss talked about Governator Mike Pence's dumbass move to allow discrimination of LGBT people in the state of Indiana, while Will talked about the Church's need to evolve or become irrelevant to Millenials.  Good stuff!  – Wink

Check out this episode!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

The After Show 03.26.2015

Arliss Bunny aka @ArlissBunny joined us on the Last Half of the Show to talk about the financialization of the Economy, how the Ubers and Filthys (rich) (1%) attempt to "financialize" anything and everything that's not nailed down, remove it from the "Common" and add it to "The Market;" and how they want to take us all back to 1901 in terms of playing Robber Baron to our serf city.  Great stuff!  – Wink

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

The After Show 03.24.2015

Prof. Paul Finkelman of U. Penn, PA joined us on the Last Half of the Show to talk the intro of Slavery to the New World and Britain's late entry to the party.  Good stuff!  – Wink

Check out this episode!

Friday, March 20, 2015

The After Show 3.20.2015

Arliss Bunny aka @ArlissBunny joined us on the Last Half of the Show to talk about three Budgets up for grabs this Spring and the differences between the progressive Budget, Republicon Budget and the Obama Budget. Good stuff!  – Wink

Check out this episode!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

The After Show 03.19.2015

Arliss Bunny aka @ArlissBunny joined us on the Last Half of the Show to talk about minting the Platinum Coin and the economics surrounding that, how Bottom Up economics works more positively than Trickle Down, and more Modern Monetary theory.  Good stuff!  – Wink

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

The After Show 03.18.2015

Wink and Justice aka @JusticePutnam and @WinkRadio legged it out today on the After Show as our scheduled Guest had RL issues to attend to.  So, on the Last Half (and the first's All the News That's Fit to Read) we talked about stories about race relations one would think happened during the first half of Last Century!  Good stuff!  – Wink

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

The After Show 03.17.2015

Andrea Graves aka @AndreaGraves joined us on the Last Half of the Show to talk about continued RW efforts to kill Roe v Wade via fauh.x "clinics" designed to confuse patients and clients into thinking they're entering a real H.C. Clinic.  Good stuff!  – Wink

Check out this episode!

Friday, March 13, 2015

The After Show 03.13.2015

Arliss Bunny aka @ArlissBunny joined us on the Last Half to talk more Modern Monetary Policy, debt, the "Debt Ceiling" (and the crock of crap that is), and how the Ubers and Filthys (rich) (1%) use these memes to essentially stifle economic growth - and how The Left buys into it.  Good stuff!  – Wink

Check out this episode!

Thursday, March 12, 2015

The After Show 03.12.2015

Katie Klabusich aka @Katie_Speak joined us on the Last Half of the Show to talk about the Christian Right using 40 Days for Life as a recruiting tool to bolster their anti-abortion numbers, and how The Left needs to work harder to protect womens rights to abortion rights and contraceptive health.  Good stuff!  We need ten more Katies out there!  – Wink

Check out this episode!

The after Show 03.11.2015

Gaius Publius aka @Gaius_Publius joined us on the Last Half of the Show to talk about the secrecy surrounding the TPP (trans pacific partnership) agreement which, of course, is a treaty of sorts to benefit the Ubers anf Filthys (rich) (1%) at the expense of the rest of us; and the #47Traitors Letter to Iran and how that may backfire on TeaPublicons.  Good stuff!  – Wink

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

The After Show 03.10.2015

Shanikka aka @Shanikka1961 joined us on the Last Half of the Show talkin' Selma 50 years ago and today, the Oklahoma frat boys singing "hang the N-words from the trees," and how the Michael Brown #Ferguson shoot down may have been the tipping point that starts the dialog that stops the nonsense.  Good stuff!  – Wink

Check out this episode!

Friday, March 6, 2015

The After Show 03.06.2015

Arliss Bunny aka @ArlissBunny joined us on the Last Half talkin' Interest Rates and their effect on growth, the Guaranteed Jobs way and how that pretty much cures all that ails us and more Modern Monetary Theory we call Bunnynomics.  Good stuff!  Grab a pen!  – Wink

Check out this episode!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

The After Show 03.05.2015

Armando aka @Armandodkos joined us on the Last Half of the Show talkin' King v. Burwell and The Supremes deciding the ObamaCare case.  Good stuff!  – Wink

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The After Show 03.04.2015

Armando and @tmservo433 joined us on the Last Half of the Sho; Armando with up-to-the-min. updates on the Supreme Court case, Repub Asshats v. ObamaCare, and tmservo433 talking about Kansas politics and the suicide of gubernatorial candidate Tom Schweich.  The "tone of today's politics" was blamed for the suicide.  Good stuff!  – Wink

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The After Show 02.03.2015

Dianna E. Andersen aka @diannaeandersen joined us on the Last Half of the Show talkin' about her book, "Damaged Goods," Christian Purity and her breaking away from the philosophy while hanging on to her religion.  Good stuff!  – Wink

Check out this episode!

Monday, March 2, 2015

The After Show 03.02.2015

Will McLeod aka @WillMcLeod99 joined us on the Last Half of the Show talkin' about Putin, the assassination of Boris (Badenov) Nemtsov, and Putin's standing around the globe and how leaders are dealing with Russia.  Good stuff!  – Wink

Check out this episode!